Welcome visiting my personal website!
I am Zhigang Cao (曹志刚)! A research scientist in Nanjing Institute of geography and limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. My research interests focus on using the multiple satellite data to monitor environments of inland waters, including lakes, reservoirs, rivers. I am also interested in ocean color and lake optics.
News and posts
It's been tricky to get chlorophyll-a time series in lakes from satellite images. We used @NOAA #VIIRS and #MachineLearning to generate a decadal data record of #chlorophylla in ~220 large lakes in China. The paper is officially online in #RSE. https://t.co/Ud44owK6OB pic.twitter.com/VYCbRcQlfd
— Zhigang Cao (@zhigang_cao) December 19, 2023
A new paper using MODIS to reveal the decliding sediments in more than 65% China lakes since 2002. We used #SeaDAS to process the MODIS data offline and developed a machine learning based on ten years of field survey. The paper can be avaiable freely via: https://t.co/QyLwQ1wnsy
— Zhigang Cao (@zhigang_cao) July 21, 2023
Our #RSE paper using #Lansat to retrieve #Chlorophyll-a in lakes is the most cited RSE articles published in the past 3 years! How amazing! Everyone can read it: https://t.co/JHdEHgZdzq pic.twitter.com/zcv6CnfbxV
— Zhigang Cao (@zhigang_cao) July 19, 2023
We used #Landsat mission to investigate the shifts in water color of lakes across China since the 1980s. Our results reveal a widespread decline in visual dominant wavelength for all examined ~2500 lakes. Everyone can access it freely in #GRL #AGU.https://t.co/XtgQJpHACW
— Zhigang Cao (@zhigang_cao) April 26, 2023
Here is the story behind the GLORIA👏
— Zhigang Cao (@zhigang_cao) February 23, 2023
Challenges in developing a globally representative hyperspectral in situ dataset for the remote sensing of water resources https://t.co/7t0Oe7buQf #BehindThePaper
Our paper about the performance of #MODIS land reflectance on monitoring coastal and inland waters is online in #EarthScienceReviews. Looking forward to the release of final PDF. This work started in 2018, and I don't remember how many times I have revised.https://t.co/nVUe1eHE7U
— Zhigang Cao (@zhigang_cao) August 12, 2022